
Friday, March 29, 2019

Individual Patient Care in Dementia

unmarried Patient Care in DementiaA suck upmaids role focuses on the admirer, cautiousness and support given to their long-sufferings whilst treating hoi polloi as individualistics and upholding their dignity (The NMC code, 2015). In this essay I will discuss the ship push asideal in which nurses toilette fix that endurings with dementedness receive individualised persevering cover. The aim of this essay is to demonstrate how tending is implemented to long-suffering ofs with aberration and how nurses ensure attending is individualised to meet the uncomplainings need and wants. Nurses foot identify the individual needs of the diligent byfollowing the nursing besidest. Thenursing mathematical process is a series of stages intended for nurses to demonstrateexcellent care. It consists of five phases Assessing, diagnosing, planning,implementing and evaluating. Thisprocess is client centred. These stages mean that nurses should individualisewhat is needed for ace patient. Apatient needs, and problems is identified through these steps. The Assessmentphase is the first step in which it allows nurses to identify what the patientsneeds are. The nurse collects information from the patient by asking themquestions and running physical examinations. They dissect the information thatis self-collected in this stage in which it is further analysed which pick outs indept thinking. The Diagnosing descriptor is the next phase in which the nurses makean overall diagnosing well-nigh the information that was collected in the assessmentphase (Gardner, 2003). It is stated that patients articulated lorry a medical diagnosiswith what amiable wellness professionals name an pr blushient anxiety. They arenervous and scared as to what they are told and how it whitethorn transplant their day today life for them and their close ones (McClain and Buchman, 2011). The diagnosis of monomania entails ofexamination, cognitive testing and assessment. Nurses informing patients thattheir memory and cognitive function is beginning to convince can be challenging anddifficult to hear hence it is life-and-death that nurses should uphold their dignityand inform them of the handling that will be use and to give them the helpand support they need. (Prince and Martin, 2016). The planning phase lets thenurses occasion a plan of cultivateion in which ongoing treatment will be discussed.This phase allows the nurses to address patients needs. The implementing phaseis when nurses carry knocked out(p) the plan of action. For dementia patients theirsymptoms tend to go worse. It is vital that nurses demonstrate slap-up care inwhich they can them support with daily activities e.g. washing and groomingthem. They should also monitor the patient and focus on the improvements madeby the patients. It is vital that the nurses care, monitor and support that isgiven to the patients is continuous. The care that is received by the patientswith dementia is oft lower as to those patients without dementia hence it is native that the nurses ensure that care is individualised to the patientsneeds and wants. For the last evaluationphase, it is of the essence(p) that nurses complete an evaluation to see if the treatmentthat was carried out is working and if every changes happen. If the treatmentisnt working nurses can support the client, analyse and realize as to whyit didnt work (Gardner, 2003). Nurses should respect the patients beliefs and preventmaking assumptions mainly grounded on their appearance or some other individualal timberland. They must listen and consider patient concerns. It is vital that thenurse is non-judgmental and open minded towards the patient. Nurses can ensurecare is individualised when it comes to fulfilling the nutrition, pangmanagement and personal needs of the patient. If the patient cannot manage oris otiose to regulate their nutrition, then the nurse should support andencourage the patient by placing food within their reach (Kaplan, 1996). Providing care to a patient who suffers from dementia isvital as the patient does not grow the ability to the full represent theirdiagnosis. As a nurse, it is encouraged to introduce yourself to the patient tocreate a therapeutic relationship during treatment. Patients who dupe dementiaare no longer able to maintain their individuality and personhood hence why itis great that nurses can try and uphold and preserve it for them. Patients valuenurses recognizing their individuality. Nurses reassure patients that one isnot living a horrible and unhappy life by implementing the worth and value totheir life by trying to prolong to hunch over the person behind the patient. Nurses canensure that care is individualised as they could get to accredit the individual,their values, likes and dislikes and hobbies as this gives the patient an individualitywhilst always screening compassion and respect (Collins and Hughes, 2014). Thisis most valued and appreciat ed by patients as it allows the nurses to k direct thecharacteristic and the personality of the patient. Nurses can showrecognition to the patient by acknowledging their needs and wants and providingcare that is customized and adapted to it. It is important that nurses try and construct an insight of the patients world and how to bond with them. Whencommunicating and salty with them they must always say their name unless thepatient wishes a diametric way of being addressed. Nurses can consider the patients perspectivewhen demonstrating care that is simply personalised to their needs. Giving recognition to the patient allows therelationship to build more stronger as you are giving your attention and timeto them. Nurses would give the patients the option and responsibility tomake their birth decisions when it comes to their choice of food, clothes theywant to wear, acquiring involved in activities etc. Allowing the patients to makedecision like this lets them know that they are comfortable. It also gives thema sense of involvement and participation to communicate their qualities andpersonality. However, when the discussion of making clinical discussions arisesand the patient is uneffective to make the decisions im fructifyable to cognitive abilitiesdeclining, the family and doctors will be more involved. Nurses should allowthe patients to create their own pace in which you shouldnt push the patients overtheir limits. It would be much of a benefit to focus on the improvements madeby the patients even if its something small. This would motivate and drive thepatient building their self-esteem. When a nurse is caring for a patient whohas dementia it is important that you do not patronise them. Respect for thepatient is a main aspect nurses must implement in their duty of care. Nurses canensure that the care and treatment given to the patients is with both respectand compassion (The NMC code, 2015). Socialisation and interaction is of import for patients as it allows the patients to maintain a social lifeand form relationships. Allowing the patients to birth and be aroundcompany will progress their communication skills. Nurses should notice thatall patients including people with dementia is built in relationships and thatdementia patients bear a healthy social environment to promote opportunitiesfor personal and mental progress. Dementia affects the way a patientcommunicates. People suffering from dementia can find difficulties respondingback to question (NICE, 2012). When conversing with patientwith dementia they may also find problems to maintain the information during adiscussion.Nurses must authorise and shouldnt dismiss what is said by thepatient. They must try to understand and take notice of what the patientexpresses to them. Nurses cancommunicate in a calm and respectful way in which they should speak directly tothe patient. It can be frustrating for a patient with dementia to communicatetheir needs and wants hence it is vi tal that nurses are supposed to remain calmand patient if the patient becomes agitated (Ellis and Astell, 2017). When a patients conditions begin to deteriorate,health and social care needs begin to increase causing them to require morehelp and personal care. When nurses are relaying information to a patient theyshould give the patient both oral and written information, so it can be fullyunderstood and so it can encourage and procession their communication skills intheir care and treatment. When released from hospital, people with dementia are seeming to suffer a serious loss of individuality, and increased needs for helpand support. So, it is important that the care is demonstrated to patients notonly during hospital but when they arrive home. Nurses can try and view the world from the viewpointof the person with dementia, distinguishing that everyones experience has itsown psychological validity, that people with dementia act from this outlook(Brooker, 2007). The ageing populatio n isexponentially increasing resulting in challenges to nurses in coping andtreating the conditions and health needs that arise with old age (Bhardwa,2015). These barriers that I will be explaining are obstacles that prevent thepace of excellent care being demonstrated by nurses. The barriers todemonstrating care to dementia patients is that they receive forgetful quality inwhich nurses tend to focus on other patients with staring(a) illness and diseases. Another barrier would be ineffective advancecare planning. Some people with dementia receive a delayed diagnosis which canresult in them not having the mental capacity to defecate decisions. A lot ofpatients find it difficult to vision their self-getting better due to theircurrent state. Nurses can ensure that the care that is provided to people withdementia is quality care during the duration of their treatment. Hospice use isincredibly low for dementia patients. The people with dementia that get transferredto a hospice can res ult in astonishment and distress at a state in which the personis unable to handle change. Also, they put one over completely different needs comparedto cancer persistences. It is crucial that both staff and nurses have thetraining required to own care to individuals with dementia. Agediscrimination is also a barrier that ripened patients face in which thesymptoms demonstrated to doctors and nurses is referred to a getting old. Nursesare impuissance to spot and notice the symptoms of dementia in a lot of patientswhich creates a poor rate of diagnosis (Collins and Hughes, 2014). Theorganization like the National health Service also create barriers resulting inpatients not receiving the care they need. They have limited access toresources, overlook of time, heavy patient workloads and insufficient staffing. Nurseshave a contribution when it comes to the barriers of providing care topatients. Some nurses have a lack of interest, lack of confidence in criticalappraisal skills, la ck of experience and them feeling overwhelmed (CAN, 2018). Dementiapatients experience behavioural and personality changes. Patients thatspecifically have advances dementia tend to be physically high-pressure, havehallucination and get agitated. These symptoms can result physical andemotional distress to both the patient and the nurse. There is also hostiletreatment for dementia patients that is very well- cognise(prenominal) in which it consists oftube feeding and antibiotic treatment for infections. This treatment is knownto be wrong and does not improve survival. Families of the patient shows greatdissatisfaction against the aggressive treatment that is demonstrated to thepatients. Nurses can implement excellent care by concentrating on changepatients comfort and increase in advance care planning (Collins and Hughes,2014). The points I explained in this essay show how providing andoffering care to people with dementia can be complex and there can be a lot ofboundaries that co me along with it however when the when the needs, wants,choices and problems is focused and centred around the patient thats when careis at its best. Nurses should always put the patient first. Nurses can valuepatients with dementia by promoting their self -worth and treating them asindividuals. ReferencesThe Code, 2015)Your Bibliography The Code. (2015). ebook breast feeding andMidwifery Council. getable athttps//www.nmc.org.uk/globalassets/sitedocuments/nmc-publications/nmc-code.pdfAccessed 26 Apr. 2018.(McClain and Buchman, 2011) McClain, G. and Buchman, M. (2011). Afterthe diagnosis. Clifton Park, N.Y. Delmar Cengage Learning.Gardner, P. (2003). Nursing process inaction. Australia Thomson, Delmar Learning.Prince, Martin, Comas-Herrera, Adelina, Knapp, Martin,Guerchet, Malenn and Karagiannidou,Maria (2016) World Alzheimer report 2016 improvinghealthcare for people living with dementiacoverage, quality and costs now and in the future. Alzheimers Disease International (ADI), Lond on, UK (Kaplan, 1996) Kaplan, M. (1996). Clinical practice with caregivers of dementia patients. Washington, D.C. Taylor & Francis. 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