
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Human Resource Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Human Resource Management - Research Paper Exampleed customer requirements, difference in the cultural values among the quite a little or the workers, an overabundance of s questholders like customers, investors and so on with varied claims, diverse economic, political as well as legal environments and lastly the miscellanea of strategies of the competitors (Financial Times, 2007). Cultural Factors Cultural factors are considered to be the slightest substantial factor but for international organizations, they turn verboten to be one of the most important factors. Culture is perceived to be the features and behavioral structure of the people of a particular society. Cultural factors include religion, customs and approaches, language, values and caput-sets, education, material constituents, social foundations and aesthetics. Culture goatful also be said to be the complete system of life of the people in a specific society. For organizations to be successful, it is vital that they take into deliberation and adapt to the culture of the country or society. understand the cultural factors assists in endowing with competitive advantage to some extent to the organizations (Lan & Unhelkar, 2005). For instance, the Indian culture is quite abrupt to new products, ideas and thoughts and accepts change without much hesitance. Thus, the people in India working as employees can adapt to the distinguishable working style and ways without much hesitance, whereas the Japanese culture is quite rigid and is not unmortgaged towards accepting all and every kind of revisals in their society. Thus, organizations branching out in Japan should take it into concern and should be careful to practice their business operations tally to the societal ways. Any alteration in the ways of working in the organizations would not be readily accepted by the local employees and... This essay stresses that the growing organizations require complying with the Organization for Economic Coop eration and Development or the OECD. This is considered as the developer of rules in slip of industrialized countries. The International Labor Organization, involved with the issue of direct investment in the developing nations, can also be considered as another developer of code of conduct for globalizing companies. This article makes a conclusion that organizations remove to concentrate and focus on multiple factors while planning their global expansion. The success or the misadventure of organizations is dependent on the proper treatment and understanding of the above mentioned factors. It is quite important for organizations to take these issues into friendship so as to attain competitive advantages along with global success. Successful global expansion would hear the sustained existence of such organizations in this fiercely competitive age. It should be kept in mind that the adaption of effective human resource management strategies is the most significant aspects to be c onsidered while expanding globally. It can not only minimize the risks associated with environmental and cultural divergences, but can also reward the organization with break dance productivity and sustainable growth in the market. With this concern, the human resource management practices should be altered according to the culture, preference and trends of the host market.

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