
Saturday, April 6, 2019

Physics Online Course Essay Example for Free

Physics Online Course set about1-How can you demonstrate that piss is denser than trash without weighing them? What is the principle involved?Release an ice regular hexahedron in water the ice cube leave alone float. The ice cube will displace or so water as it pushes the water away. The principle involved is displacement.2-The density of water is a maximum at 4C. Why is this property of water important for aquatic life?The maximum density cosmos attained at 4C means that even if the water gets colder, the density will decrease. Therefore, ice (when it forms) floats instead of sinks. This makes the continuity of aquatic life during winter possible.3-When two different materials are given the homogeneous amount of heat will their temperatures increase by the same amount? Explain with reasons?No. It depends on the ability of the materials to conduct heat.4-It is generally observed that it is more difficult to cook food at elevated altitudes. Explain the possible reason fo r this?In higher altitudes, there is lower pressure. This means that water will not boil at 100C, but at a lower temperature, making your water not as hot as on sea-level, making cooking time longer.5-What are the multivariate factors that affect the pitch ( absolute frequency) of a vibrating string? How are these factors controlled in a stringed musical instrument such(prenominal) as a violin?The speed and wavelength of the waves formed by striking an object. A musician controls the frequency through the strings tension and density, by pressing some of the strings.6-If you want to see yourself fully in a plane mirror, the mirror needs to be only half your height. Draw a shaft diagram showing how this is possible. Explain the diagram and principles you used.The image in the mirror looks as if the figure is distant away, when in fact, it is honest in front of the mirror. This is because the light received by the eye traveled in a straight line as if it came from behind the mirror . The mirror is also laterally inverted, meaning the figures right will appear as the mirror images left.ReferencesLeigh, J.R. (1988). Temperature measurement and control. USA Institute of Engineering and Technology.Sumich, J.L. and Morrissey J.F. (2004). Introduction to the biota of marine life. Massachusetts Jones and Bartlett Publishers.Pople, S. (1987). Explaining physics. United Kingdom Oxford University Press.Dolan, G., Duffy, P. and Percival, A. (1996). Physics. United Kingdom Heinemann.

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