
Saturday, October 5, 2019

A Comment On A Commitment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A Comment On A Commitment - Essay Example A Comment On A Commitment With such extensive environmental conservation programs, the college’s president must therefore take part in the forthcoming climate commitment. Diablo Valley College will sign the commitment owing to the environmental management skills the college is likely to acquire from such as discussed in the essay below. Participating in the commitment will help position the college as an integral member of the society joining in the fight to eradicate environmental pollution thereby making the environment safer and better. At such conferences, delegates learn newer and better ways of eradicating environmental degradation besides the presentation of the projects the colleges undertake in eliminating such. The commitments present an effective opportunity for the students’ president to present the college’s green projects all of which have sought to improve the sustainability of the environment (Schlossberg 121). Global warming is a topic of global concern. The emission of carbon monoxide into the atmosphere has contributed to the depletion of the ozone layer, which is a layer of oxygen molecules that cushion the earth from the harsh rays of the sun. The depletion of the layer leaves the earth surface vulnerable to increased temperatures among other undesirable diseases as harsh rays of the sun penetrate the atmosphere. Effects of global warming include climatic change and the rising water levels as the glaciers continue to melt. Such natural phenomenon has diverse effects ranging from unique skin diseases to the rising incidences of typhoons among other natural calamities. The depletion of the ozone layer threatens both the stability of the earth and the life in the planet. It thus becomes a prerogative of the citizens to curb the emission of such harmful gases by engaging in responsive activities. Among the contributors of the gases is the use of fossil fuels such as petroleum products in propelling cars among other machines. At such environmental commitments, the leaders discuss the efforts by both the students’ fraternity and the government in order to limit the emission of such gases (Reza 31). As policy makers, stude nt leaders are influential members of the society responsible for the activities and behavior of the students while at the colleges. The leaders therefore act as the bridge between the students and the leadership of the universities. As such, their participation in the environmental commitment is paramount, as it will facilitate the spread of the message to the students thus improving their appreciation of the various projects at the universities and colleges. The Diablo Valley College just as any other institution of higher learning has hundreds of students all of who require transportation and use various substances in the society that may equally contribute to the emission of the toxic gases. They therefore require appropriate knowledge on environmental management in order to improve the desirable environmental practices. To achieve such, the college has undertaken various projects that promise such effective and desirable environmental practices (Karen and Ricardo 55). By partic ipating in the forthcoming commitment, the students, leadership will learn newer and better management practices in order to improve the success of such projects. The success of the said projects relies on the students’

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